no writer

I am no writer, but a great feeler,,, I say so because everything I write does come straight from my heart.

Friday, May 9, 2014

My Vanilla Heart

Months, weeks and days have passed since I got a word from a couple-friend visiting the Philippines. All they told me was, "Listen to what God is telling you in your heart." I am a crazy feeler. I'm 30 and maybe, just maybe I am feeling lost when it comes to romantizicing love. 

But I am feeling in love!!! I met this man some crazy months ago. I have seen how he loves God and how he is passionate about radically living his life for him. He loves to worship, work and learn very single thing he has to. Well, if all the circumstances were just perfect around us, then I would like to think he is the man God is preparing for me and presto, we can just get married asap.

The simple fact that he is around, he is there and he makes his presence felt makes it so impossible for me not to fall for him. I cannot tell if he does things intentionally or just out of his generous and loving heart. 

At this age, I keep telling myself I no longer need a prince. Being Jane, I also dont need a Tarzan, all I need is a man I can live and serve with. Oh and he is exactly showing me he can be that man.

My 14 year old cousin knows about my petty fantasies about this man. But tonight she gave a piece of teeney-weeney advice and that is" to follow but guard my heart." Oh! what  a toughie!

Well, writing has a way of perfectly letting my heart out and so this is it. God, I pray you bless my heart. Let it stay pure for the love of you and your  ministry. My waiting will never be in vain so bless me so!

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