no writer

I am no writer, but a great feeler,,, I say so because everything I write does come straight from my heart.

Monday, January 14, 2013


 Happy Birthday Ma!

To the Mama who taught me how to serve,
to just keep serving,
and not expect anything in return.

the Mama who taught me to forgive, 
when it was impossible to forgive.

and to the Mama who taught me to be faithful in small things, 
faithful even when no one's looking.

best of all to the mama who gave me her nose,
even If I could have wanted my papa's nose bwahaha!

I love you Mah. Mag- apong na sad ko nimu ani para lang jud mabasa ni nimu sa computer but yeko ar.

You are one of the best things that ever happened to me.

One of God's greatest gifts.

Thank you for the awesome freedom and trust you have showered me as I was growing.
It taught me to be responsible, 
independent and hardworking.

for always giving me the the chance to be heard and sometimes to do the talking all the time,
you taught me to speak my heart out.
(hope you didn't regret that)

Thank you for showing me how you unconditionally love the men God has brought into your life, your husband (my father) and your two sons (my two brothers).

I can't promise I can love my man that way
(basig maong wa pa ni-abot)
but I will try, even do better.

Salamat and cheers to more years of serving together or bisag dili na together.
We're a team as we bring kids to church every Sunday morning and teach in Sunday school.
kita ra jud nang duha

I wish you'd be proud of me until forever,
the same way I want my God to be so proud of me.

I love you Happy birthday Mamakoh!!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

My 29 Declarations

It's the first Sunday of 2013.Whooooaaaaa, i love firsts!

Our church pastor encouraged us to make positive declarations for this year.

Since I turned 29 on the first day of this year, here's my piece:

1. I declare this is going to be my best-year ever!

2. I declare an awesome breakthrough for my Centeno and Dayanan families.

3. I declare a great year of service, servanthood and servantship.

4. I declare this year to be a year of crazy love, forgiveness and joy.

5. I declare unimaginable favors for work.

6. I declare supernatural wisdom over my thesis.

7. I declare  an excellent and fantastic year for Pro.Vision.

8. I declare this year to be an awakening year for our local Christian churches.

9. I declare weddings, beautiful weddings.

10. I declare restoration of relationships.

11. I declare new friendships.

12. I declare longer and meaningful lives for all my loved ones.

13. I declare change.

14. I declare freedom.

15. I declare independence.

16. I declare broken chains and walls.

17.I declare respect among family members.

18. I declare lavish generosity in churches and homes.

19. I declare responsible work ethics and habits.

20. I declare innovations in teaching, preaching and leadership.

21. I declare creativity.

22. I declare excellence

23. I declare focus.

24. I declare  a wilder, deeper and braver walk with the Almighty.

25. I declare cleanliness physically and spiritually.

26. I declare transparency, genuineness and incorruptible honesty.

27. I declare maximum, soulful impact.

28. I declare sovereignty and perfect timing.

29. I declare music.