no writer

I am no writer, but a great feeler,,, I say so because everything I write does come straight from my heart.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Gotta Believe

     It took me 7 months getting into this blog and just start blogging again. How I wish I had the luxury of time. Well, I'm here and I'm writing right this very moment. Oh, life is good! When you are doing the will of God and keeping in step with His plans, what more could you ask for. My circumstances doesn't have to be perfect so I can say that life is great. Everyone else's situation around me isn't. What is important is finding the joy in the things we do.
     It's been 2 and a half years since I left the classroom. I have never left teaching but the preschool world is something I really miss. But there is something more that my heart wants to share. Everyday after I celebrated my 30th birthday has been pretty exciting. I declared that this year would be filled with love and magic. That my (American/English) man dream will finally unfold. Oh, sounds really crazy but I am a believer and I know God is on the move. There is much hope and prayer in my heart right now. The dream school for poor kids, my thesis, finishing my cousin's homeschool, wanting to fix relationships, get married, finish my pastoral degree and a whole lot more. I have questions that I ask everyday and it is in the everyday that I also remind myself that I do not need to find answers. They just come when I least expect them.
     Books and children are my dearest inspiration and encouragement these days. I have immersed myself in such a crazy ministry that it's hard not to spend time with kids or steal a day away from work with a book and a tall glass of coffee.
     So what's my point? Writing makes me feel happy and glad. Believing makes me continue to live. There is beauty in brokenness. There is magic in believing.  I don't believe in magic, the world's kind of magic. I trust and hope for His heavenly kind of magic, something only Jesus can do. It's not called magic, maybe we can call it, provision or simply "miracle". He still does miracles. Still!