There is something about this word that I really love!
I love how it sounds especially when I say it and when I here kids blurt it out when they see something cool!
But truthfully, this word is exclusively for one Man alone. He became man after all.
God is awesome!
Here's something I made on September 19, 2010.
Lord, You are just awesome,
Sooo, sooo awesome,
Full of awesomeness,
I am in awe when I'm in your presence, Lord!
I love acrostics. I've made some for my friends and family.
This one's for you!
You are AWESOME!
Always and forever mine
Wonderfully watching over me 24/7
Ever present in good and bad times
Such a faithful lover
On the go all the time to pursue me
Mercifully merciful
Everything to me
How can I live a day not thanking you?
How can I not celebrate every single day you've gifted me?
Every little crap, dirt and mess all around my workplace, my city and even in my very church will serve as life's confetti to me.
They make life exciting and just a little more worth living!
I love you on this beautiful Saturday morning, Papa God!
Just keep surprising me!
Woohooo! AMEN! Beautiful Acrostic! Nothing and no one can compare to Him - Jesus, King of Glory! if we just focus on Him, we forget to see the crap indeed and just see the how AWESOME JESUS IS! :)