no writer

I am no writer, but a great feeler,,, I say so because everything I write does come straight from my heart.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Today I finished reading the book of Genesis.
 I have read this several times already but this time, it really is worth reflecting.

The book of Genesis is a total book of provision. God has provided, He provides and the Lord will provide.
(see all tenses of verb at work) Wow! Ultimate provision!
Let's take it 1 by 1:

God provided a world for us.
He created a beautiful and wonderful world for us in just 6 days!

God provided Adam a mate.
Since it was not good for him to be alone, God gave Adam, Eve.

God provided an offering for Abraham.
Because he obeyed, he spared his own son. 

God provided everything Noah needed to build the ark.
Noah just had to follow and obey and everything else fell perfectly in place.

God provided a wife for Isaac.
Did  Abraham's servant go through  a head-breaking search?
 Na-ah, everything had been prepared.

God provided an escape for Jacob.
After the birthright mess he created with his mother, Jacob got the sweetest second chance from God.

God provided for Jacob, his family and his people.
The famine could have been a problem but it wasn't anymore. Thanks to Joseph's brothers who sold him.

God provided a great future for Joseph.
 He is the man who gave the book of Genesis a stupendous ending. Indeed, others meant it for harm, but everything that Joseph went through came about for the completion of God's work, the saving of many lives! (and still continues up to this very moment;)

Is there any need he cannot provide? NONE! NOTHING! he can provide and he will provide everything for his children.
The next time you feel "lacking", get your Bible, it's not so hard to find, read the book of Genesis and enjoy!

From the heart,
Teacher Jane

This is my very first bold attempt to write and reflect about your Holy Word. God, you know how I have been so amazed about my entering the Bible school. It makes me so ecstatic to learn about your word every single night I'm there. Really, there's no better thing than being crazy about you, your mysteries and your powerful gospel. Whatever you want to do with me and through me, accomplish it. I'm ready! 


  1. Finally, teach! Got to read this. Haha such a wise and timely reminder! Love the lines 'bout Joseph!:)

  2. Thanks for taking time Teacher Yen! I appreciate it! God bless your new season (practicum season). Enjoy!

  3. Amen, I receive that, Teach!:) It truly is something new - new people, place and experiences! Teaching is a privilege.:)
