no writer

I am no writer, but a great feeler,,, I say so because everything I write does come straight from my heart.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pro.Vision Kids, All the Love in the World

The preschool where I work hosts a yearly gift-giving activity. This year, I was blessed to have had the chance to suggest  that we invite the Pro.Vision Kids. 

Pro.Vision Kids at DC Love Day

On September 2011, I started volunteering and helping at a feeding ministry by CFM at Tagunol, Pardo. The original feeding site was at Inayawan but because God has so graciously provided, they have opened two new sites.

I am into kid's ministry and I'll do just about anything for kids. I have taught preschoolers for eight years now. I am teaching  in a private school which means smarter kids, kids in a more comfortable  and pleasant condition. This means that the kids I serve every Saturday during feeding are  a lot different than the kids I spend time with everyday. 
Even before I met these Pro.Vision kids, I have already opened myself to this kind of ministry to less fortunate children. So it's not really hard, just some special thinking and praying strategies and things work out well all the time. 

Back to this story, February 23, 2012 was scheduled as "Love day" at Discovery Camp. Oh, that's today! Pro.Visions kids-19 of them with 8 adults sweetly squeezed in  one van came to our school this morning. They arrived at 9:20. Kinder and Prep campers were in their respective classrooms waiting expectantly for their guests. 

I met the team at the gate( 19 kids, 1 girl can't make it, 8 adults, Pastor Jun, Pastor Rey, Katie, Mirella, Leny, Cherry Rose, Mariel and the mother of the Magalona siblings). I can see very excited faces as if telling me, "We know there's every good thing in store for us today, Teacher Jane!" And they were right. We started off with their  'live' mini-performance. They sang 3 songs from their CD. (Stand Up Tall, Tell My Friends and Heaven). 

After their short show, the interaction began in the two classrooms. They were assigned to be with  a buddy from our school. They played together, built blocks, read books, drew and colored. They also enjoyed our story, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

When it was already time for snacks, Kinder campers led their buddies to wash their hands. We prayed and then everyone munched on their spaghetti, barbecue, bread, popcorn and juice. I was so proud of my Kinder campers who were at their best behavior on that day. 

Then came the giving of gifts. I was pretty sure this was their favorite part. Wows and thank yous filled the air. I saw happy hearts that gave and happy hearts that received. What a fascinating sight!

A short playtime at the playground followed and an ice cream treat awaited everyone just before they all jumped in to the van. 

We gave individual gifts, we raffled some special toys and there were still more gifts to bring home and share to the other kids at Inayawan and Tagunol who were not able to come.

Our caroling fund last December and the so many generous gifts from our parents in school made this whole event a success. My boss and fellow teachers have also been very supportive. 

For these kids, it's a super Hurray!
For me, it's all glory and honor to the God of Pro.Vision! 
To the God of every good and perfect gift,
 the God of every good and perfect vision!

1 comment:

  1. Teach, reading your post brought tears to my eyes! The eyes of Mia's buddy just sparkles with joy and excitement! What a beautiful reflection of God's love! I was so blessed to hear them sing this morning and was grateful that we went out for playground time earlier than our usual sked to accommodate you guys. It was so nice to see the little ones especially my beloved B and G listen to the kids sing the 3 songs.:) All the love in the world jud!
