no writer

I am no writer, but a great feeler,,, I say so because everything I write does come straight from my heart.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

sunshine and delight

"when the heart is full of love,
 the heart will teach the mouth what to say."

Dear sweet, sweet Jesus,

There's one more week before the month of June ends. 
I have been quiet for the past days while I waited for you.
And truly, good things come to those who wait.
I was fearful to begin this month. 
Major decisions, major changes. They never sound easy.
But my heart was sure, steady, strong and secure.
I know YOU will be with me. 
To be my sunshine and my delight.

I'm writing you this note to thank you for your awesome love and your abounding grace. 
( even if I do it everyday, a blog note should be a little sweet)
You've  provided me a well that never runs dry.
Everyday, you remind me that YOU are for me.
( no one will be against me)

Continue to bless me and favor me with supernatural strength, love and wisdom.

I love you my faithful God, my sunshine and my everyday delight.

Your royal servant-princess, 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thoughtful Keepsakes from Tots!

Selly and a molded me!

Stella's artwork for me!

flowers for Teacher Jane!

from my Indian princess!

lucky Indian charm!

Jonathan's note when I got sick!

Ashley's Valentine card!

Martin's Wednesday treat!

from Mikel with love!

Ashley's bye-bye gift!

Ga Young's special note!